Int Orthod. 2022 Mar;20(1):100602. doi: 10.1016/j.ortho.2021.100602. Epub 2022 Jan 7.
This case report demonstrates how the use of skeletal anchorage and appropriate orthodontic biomechanics can be used to resolve even complex cases, reducing unwanted dental movements and allowing the use of a partial vestibular appliance. It describes the complete mesialization of the left upper third molar and space closure following extraction of tooth UR7, due to vertical fracture one year after previous endodontic therapy for caries. This therapeutic choice was conditioned by the need not to alter the good pre-existing interarch relationships, and above all by the patient’s request to be treated conservatively, and therefore not to undergo prosthetic implant rehabilitation. The use of orthodontic miniscrews and the careful application of orthodontic biomechanics, based on both direct and indirect anchorage, enabled the treatment objectives to be achieved in a reasonable period of time with reduced treatment costs.
PMID:35012896 | DOI:10.1016/j.ortho.2021.100602